Full Ammo Entry Location:Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard At the Pause Menu enter stracci Submitted By: Imm0 | |
Full Health Entry Location:Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard At the Pause Menu enter corleone Submitted By: Imm0 | |
Movies Entry Location:Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard At the Pause Menu enter tattaglia Submitted By: Imm0 | |
Invulnerability Entry Location:Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard At the Pause Menu enter HOLIDAY INN Submitted By: Peter.H | |
$5000 Entry Location:Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard At the Pause Menu enter cuneo |
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